FoX Media Report Europe
Sunday, April 28, 2024 Magyar

The future awaits us

What they didn't talk about in their campaign!

Dear reader! If you are a FIDESZ, do not read through it, as it is likely that we will post a complete contradiction in your views. Anyone who thinks realistically has no choice but to shop and feel the difference, that the price of products changes from day to day and the predictability that Orbán talks about is not experienced at all! We often hear words from him to protect Hungarians! Yet he went into the epidemic of acting, as it intimidated and made many people manageable. It was good to please the Hungarians as a savior, and before that he saved the country from migrants. Now he saved the country from the war, when in fact there was no need for that. Hungary does not have the forces to arrest Ukrainians or other countries. Ukraine has no interest in fighting the West, so it has no interest in attacking a NATO country, as it also wants to join and be a member of the EU. That is why no threat of war has ever existed! Orban once again took advantage of a stunt to sell himself. Isn't Orban controlled by the West? Do you think so? If this were not the case, there would have been no epidemic in Hungary either, because there really was no such thing. It will announce again this year that the virus is coming back and will re-introduce restrictions, of course there will be no basis for these, but it will! He didn’t talk about the people who died in poverty and not in the covid. By intimidating doctors and nurses and integrating them into the party, he was able to convince people that there was an epidemic. He brutally catches the closure of people who won’t be vaccinated, thus making the West like what he expects of him. Our economy is no longer able to function for long, as there are no companies that can finance prosperity. Signs of an economic crisis are expected to be felt in May, starting with a drastic rise in prices. Of course, he also knocks this out with the virus and the war. Of course, these have nothing to do with the Hungarian crisis, as Hungary has been on the brink of bankruptcy since 2012. Many families will suffer from the Orbán regime, but those who live on FIDESZ are unlikely to be deprived. In summary, Orbán is a showman who can give himself well and give all the nonsense to the Hungarians. This is how the Hungarians introduced their own system in 2012 and Hungary is no longer a republic. Most people are not even aware of this, while in the West everyone is well aware of it. I hope that there will be a revival in the country as soon as possible and that Orbán's power will not end with a civil war.

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